Member Bulletins

Member Bulletins2023-11-10T00:13:37-05:00

July 28, 2022

Dear SFUFA Members: This bulletin contains information on: Pensions and purchase of past service in the BCCPP SFUFA’s support of the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) A brief bargaining update Codes of Conduct Member dues Pension – past service purchasing Many members have already explored or are currently exploring options [...]

July 7, 2022

Dear SFUFA Members: This information bulletin contains updates regarding: -       Pension transition and purchase of past service -       Chairs and Directors stipends -       Draft Intellectual Property Policy -       Acting VPA Effective July 1 -       Bargaining survey and consultations Pension Transition The process under which members can elect to buy past [...]

June 15, 2022

Dear SFUFA Members: This bulletin contains updates and information on the following topics: Dues vote results Pension Transition – purchasing past service Collective bargaining Academic Pension Plan Trustees Dues Vote Results Between June 1 and 10th, faculty members voted on a proposed increase to raise SFUFA dues from 0.685% to [...]

May 27, 2022

Dear SFUFA Members: At the recent General Meeting (April 27th) members voted in favour of holding an electronic ballot to consider a dues increase. The exact wording of the motion was as follows: That the Executive of the Faculty Association organize an electronic vote of Members to set dues between [...]

March 2, 2022

Dear SFUFA Members: This bulletin includes information on the following issues: -       SFUFA’s commitment to making equity work substantive and materially-grounded -       Recent Senate news related to collegial governance -       Member socials and collective bargaining consultations -       Upcoming SFUFA General Meeting (April 27th) -       Reminder – alternate contacts SFUFA Comment [...]

January 21, 2022

Dear SFUFA Members: While many SFUFA communications lately have centred around COVID safety and workload issues, these remain only a small part of what demands our attention. This edition of our bulletin begins with a COVID update, but provides as well important information on a number of other issues: - pensions [...]

January 12, 2022

Dear SFUFA members: A very Happy New Year to you all. We hope that you found some time over the break to be with such loved ones as you could given the ongoing pandemic, and to rest and recharge after a very challenging year. This bulletin provides brief updates on [...]

December 2, 2021

Dear SFUFA members: This bulletin provides information on a number of the Faculty Association’s recent activities, and links to reports related to remote teaching and University staffing that raise serious concerns about SFU’s investment in and support for faculty and the teaching and research mission of the University. In this [...]

November 9th, 2021

Dear SFUFA members: SFUFA’s Collective Agreement with the University expires on June 30, 2022. Over the coming months, we will be reaching out to you through a variety of means to hear your concerns and identify your priorities for the upcoming round of negotiations. This bulletin provides a brief overview [...]

October 29th, 2021

Dear SFUFA members: The Association Executive is only as effective as its ability to connect with members, respond to issues as they arise, and develop positions that accurately reflect the real concerns of SFU faculty. We are working on strategies to improve member communications, build stronger informal networks, and enhance member engagement and consultation. [...]

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